Nigerian Man Reportedly Files For Divorce Just 2 Days After Wedding Following Wife's Fight With His Mother At The Reception Over Food - LagosTrend

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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Nigerian Man Reportedly Files For Divorce Just 2 Days After Wedding Following Wife's Fight With His Mother At The Reception Over Food


According to reports, a physical altercation erupted between the bride and her mother-in-law during their wedding reception. This confrontation occurred when a couple from the groom's side arrived when the food had run out. The bride had set aside some food for her parents, and that was the only available option.

The mother-in-law quietly asked the bride if she could share some of the food with the guests who had traveled a long distance. The bride adamantly refused, insisting that the food was exclusively for her parents. Despite this, the mother-in-law attempted to take some food herself, but the bride intercepted and returned it to the cooler.

In response to this, the mother-in-law slapped her son's wife, and the bride retaliated with a slap. When the husband learned of the incident, he chose to wait until the wedding reception was over. Two days later, he initiated divorce proceedings.

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