Noforiya Police DPO colludes with land grabbers and threatens our lives and properties in Epe: Lagos Regional Petition Human Rights Group, HURMA – Rights Monitor - LagosTrend

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Sunday, December 3, 2023

Noforiya Police DPO colludes with land grabbers and threatens our lives and properties in Epe: Lagos Regional Petition Human Rights Group, HURMA – Rights Monitor


The members of Adesada Oganjugbe family in Igboye Town under Eredo LCDA, Epe has appealed for urgent intervention of the Human Rights Monitoring Agenda (HURMA Global Resource Initiative) via a SOS to the office and as well state intervention to rescue lives and Properties of members of their family from ongoing attack by a alleged land grabber who is directly using the community Divisional Police Officer to perpetuate the evils.

The DPO of Noforija DIVISIONAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS in Epe, CSP GREGORY IKPEHKIA has been allegedly involved directly in a recent attack on family members which has made some people flee their indigenious home for safety somewhere else. Moreso, it was acclaimed by some of the Community leaders in a report to Human Rights Monitors that the DPO is a friend to the accused land grabber and provides him with police officers to demolish legitimate family properties and as well threatening their lives.

According to the family head of Adesada Oganjugbe, Mr. Oluwatosin Emmanuel Adewunmi, the DPO no longer hide his direct support to the land grabber among other atrocities.

We were all amazed that a community DPO who is supposed to be in charge of our general security, is now giving a direct support to a known land grabber against our family members.
“The latest attack was carried out on us by more than 7 Policemen from the division who came to burgle our houses around 2:00am in the midnight on Monday, November 20, 2023, which was the date we were to be in court on our petition to Zone 2 on threat to lives and malicious damages.
“We witnessed the Patrol Van of the Division stationed outside our houses while the police men broke our doors and forced themselves inside our house.
“This threat, harassment and intimidation has since made our wives and children to desert the house since November 20, 2023, due to fear of being killed untimely”.

The people pleaded for intervention of the Human Rights Monitoring Agenda and as well for government to provide all necessary safety provision for the protection of lives and properties of the family and entire people in the community.
The community elders, including the Ballee (Community Chief head) insistently alleged that the DPO is a friend to the accused land grabber and has been using his office to support the ongoing oppression and injustice.

“Our community is gradually becoming restless. It was a peaceful environment until we see a bulldozer that entered our village and started destroying our properties with a complete backing by the Divisional Police Officer of the Community, despite knowing that the matter is in Zone 2.
We appeal to the Human Rights Community and as well as Government to please assist us”.

The DPO of Noforija Divisional Headquarters, CSP Gregory Ikpehkia, in his response to Rights Monitors debunked the the allegations in its entirety and said it is wrong allegations which he is prepared to challenged.
“Our work is to provide security and secure lives and properties of the people. Am aware that we are not supposed to intervene in land matters, except when it is degenerating to direct attack and restlessness within the community.
I am however determined to report the lawyer that wrote petition with false allegation to the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA”.

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