Photo News: Badagry West Youths Award Customs Comptroller Peace Ambassador - LagosTrend

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Photo News: Badagry West Youths Award Customs Comptroller Peace Ambassador


The youths of Badagry West LCDA have awarded Comptroller Timi Bomodi the Comptroller Seme Border Command Peace Ambassador due to his continuous efforts to maintain peace in the border area.

The award was presented on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at the office of the Comptroller at Seme Border Badagry, Lagos State.

Sunday Aladeotan, the coordinator of NYCN Badagry West, told News Peddlers that the Comptroller has done various things that qualify him for the award as he continues to maintain peace among the commuters and the Customs officers.

Comptroller General of Customs Seme Border Command Comptroller Timi Bomodi, we have observed some of the giant strike projects that the man is actually trying to bring to Badagry West recently.

The Comptroller has just commissioned a mini hospital around Seme Border, which is equipped with all the needed equipment. 

Sunday said the Comptroller is "currently trying to build a skill acquisition centre with an art gallery, and the idea behind it is that he needed to create an alternative for the youths of this axis to distract a large number of them from the major border smuggling." He said the skill centre will include fashion design. Shoo making, Adire making photography, carpentry, beed making, paint making, tiles, soap making, and hhosy of others 

"As soon as they learn the skill, their product will then be displayed in the art gallery. The art gallery will also serve as a marketplace that will be within the centre that travellers and tourists can easily visit and buy some things that are being produced there."

The Comptroller has also been helpful during communal clashes between smugglers and customs officers "that gladden us at the level of the council, which made us award him as a peace ambassador." Aladeotan said. 

Customs PRO, CS Huzain, was also awarded for his prompt response to the challenges of the border communities. "He has been constant with us when we have issues between Customs and the people we reach out to him, and he has been of help to us on several occasions," Aladeotan said.

Aladeotan said the Comptroller was proactive when the federal government gave a directive to stop food items from going to the border community. "He called all the stakeholders and engaged us. Then, the Executive Chairman Badagry West LCDA,  Hon. Gbenu Henugbe Joseph  opined that Customs should only stop food items at the border point and not along the border community in order to allow westerners take food items to their houses, which the Comptroller agreed with."

So ,as  representatives of the youth, we will continue to represent the interest of our colleagues.

The meeting avail us the opportunity to discuss several other matters affecting our people.

See pictures below

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