The Role of Vibejah Ogunniyi in Building the Capacity for Epe, the incoming Epe LG Chairman - LagosTrend

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Monday, June 24, 2024

The Role of Vibejah Ogunniyi in Building the Capacity for Epe, the incoming Epe LG Chairman


Vibejah Ogunniyi


Epe, a historic town with a rich cultural heritage, has continuously thrived through the dedicated efforts of its community members. Among these committed individuals is Vibejah Ogunniyi, who has played a significant role in building capacity and fostering development within Epe.

Leadership and Community Service

As evidenced by the Monthly Report on the Inspection of Wards organized by the Rehabilitation Committee to the Honourable Tobun Abiodun Epe Constituency I for March 2012, Ogunniyi Nosiru (Vibejah Oguniyi) served as the Secretary of the committee. His role was pivotal in identifying and addressing the immediate needs of various wards within the constituency.

Key Contributions

  1. Inspection and Problem Identification:
  • Ogunniyi, along with other committee members, conducted thorough inspections across different wards. This proactive approach enabled them to identify critical issues affecting the community, such as inadequate drainage systems, dilapidated school buildings, and insufficient healthcare facilities.
  1. Reporting and Advocacy:
  • Through detailed reports, Ogunniyi and his team highlighted the urgent needs of the community, including:
    • Construction of drainage and culverts.
    • Building and rehabilitation of school infrastructures.
    • Provision of healthcare facilities.
    • Supply of educational materials such as textbooks, desks, and benches.
    • Provision of generators and transformers to schools and communities.
    • Road grading and repairs.
  • These reports served as an advocacy tool, drawing the attention of local government authorities and stakeholders to the pressing needs of Epe.
  1. Direct Interventions:
  • The committee’s efforts, spearheaded by Oguniyi, led to immediate interventions in specific wards. For instance, in Ward A1, the committee oversaw the patching of Ikujero Street and the clearing of drainage, as well as similar works on Obutu Street at Oloye Pepper Soup area.

Capacity Building:

Vibejah Oguniyi’s contributions have been instrumental in enhancing the capacity of Epe in several ways:

  • Community Mobilization and Engagement:
  • By organizing and leading inspection tours, Oguniyi mobilized community members to participate actively in identifying and solving local issues. This engagement fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility among residents.
  • Educational Improvements:
  • Advocating for the provision of textbooks, desks, and benches has significantly improved the learning environment in schools. This not only enhances educational outcomes but also encourages higher school attendance rates.
  • Health and Safety:
  • Addressing infrastructural issues such as drainage and road repairs mitigates health risks and improves the overall safety and well-being of the community.
  • Sustainable Development:
  • Oguniyi’s efforts in advocating for sustainable infrastructure, such as reliable power supply and well-maintained roads, lay the foundation for long-term development and economic growth in Epe.

Vibejah Oguniyi’s dedication to community service and capacity building has had a profound impact on Epe. Through his leadership, advocacy, and hands-on interventions, he has helped address critical needs, improve living conditions, and foster a collaborative spirit within the community. His work exemplifies the power of committed individuals in driving sustainable development and building a brighter future for their communities.

Lagosdg community Elect

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