Momodu To Ayo Fayose: Let Us Accept We Have Failed This Country. - LagosTrend

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Momodu To Ayo Fayose: Let Us Accept We Have Failed This Country.

"My dear Brother AYO FAYOSE, I have just two questions Sir : who is more destructive to the nation, the poor man with plenty wives and children or the politician with one wife and many high maintenance girlfriends, who waste public resources on extravagant lifestyles including private jets? 

Who is more productive, the politician who steals the sweats and resources of the citizens or the poor man who sends his many poor wives and childten to the farmlands to grow crops for everyone of us!!!

Your Excellency, my dear Brother, please, let's all accept that we've failed this country and we need urgent reset. We cannot afford the blame games at this perilous time... May God forgive our transgressions.

Warmest regards always..."


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