Video:Lady burst into tears after her boyfriend of 8 years relationship mentioned a different name as woman he wants to marry - LagosTrend

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Video:Lady burst into tears after her boyfriend of 8 years relationship mentioned a different name as woman he wants to marry


It wasn’t the best of experiences for a lady who was highly in love with her boyfriend only to realize she isn’t the main chick.

Loyalty test calls have now become a common practice in society where many want to test the love level of their partners with whom they are currently in a relationship.

It was the same route a lady choosed but things went upside down for her when her boyfriend named another lady.

The man was called on the phone and asked about his girlfriend and to the surprise of his girlfriend, she mentioned another lady’s name as his true girlfriend.

He was later told that one of his girlfriends is the one on the phone and he made it clear he had no intention to get married to her in future.

According to him, she initially wanted to spend the rest of his life with the lady who is currently testing his loyalty level but she has a b@d attitude.

He further explained that he decided to settle with someone else after noticing she had a b@d character.

It was at this point that the lady broke into tears and cried uncontrollably like a kid who just lost her mother.


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